Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Week 0 workout day

          This morning I weighed in at exactly 150 lbs with 10.1% body fat. After I got ready for work I took 6 fish oil capsules and 3 Opti-Men multivitamin with a large swig of whole organic milk. No breakfast today because I'm going to do my workout in a mostly fasted state (with the exception of the milk and fish oil). My last meal was a 1 lb chuck eye steak at around 8pm last night. So far today I've had some fruit laced green tea. Pre-workout I will have some "liquid motivation" in the form of "C4 Extreme." It's a pre-workout powder that basically has L-Arginine (the precursor to nitric oxide), Creatine, and a lot of caffeine. I realize I could get this stuff from natural sources such as beets, tuna, and coffee, but for the time being I like to keep things simple. Also, since I'm only taking this particular supplement on workout days (once a week now) I don't think it will be too harmful.
           Post workout shake is a scoop of Syntha 6 with water. I also don't feel great about this choice of post-workout protein because it does contain wheat. Again, this is only for post workout, and the rest of the week I have a gluten/soy-free low-carb diet, and low-carb whey protein just to add to my protein intake. Eventually I would like to just use my low-carb protein and eat a banana or sweet potato post workout. However, since I'm doing these workouts during my lunch break, it's just more convenient for the time being.

Post workout thoughts:
           Holy crap. My workout partner and I had to spend some time setting things up and approximating which weight we thought we could work with consistently for 60-90 seconds. After we had our best estimations we started the workout with myself going first. That "panicky" moment that Dr. McGuff talks about is no joke, and I definitely was not prepared for the level of fatigue that hits you like a brick after you hit failure on the last movement. I originally had 80 lbs as my approximation for the shoulder press, but after doing pulldowns and chest press to failure, there was no way in hell I was going to be able to press 80 lbs for over a minute with a slow cadence, so I told my partner to drop the weight. I did leg press second to last this time, and I won't make that mistake again, because trying to walk the 3 feet to the Row machine was nearly impossible after going to failure on legs.

Overall my impressions were (as previously stated) "HOLY CRAP." I actually continued to breath hard for a good hour or two after the workout ended, and my muscles are STILL weak and a little sore (my workout was 8 1/2 hours ago).

Post workout I consumed:
1 Scoop Syntha 6 (cookies and cream)
1 Banana
Broiled Salmon, small serving of white rice with sides of green beans and mixed veggies
Dinner is two large boneless skinless organic chicken breasts with homemade pesto on top
Large bowl of raw spinach leaves with red wine vinegar, EVOO, garlic powder and black pepper
LARGE glass of red wine

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 150.0 lbs
Body Fat: 10.1%
Here's my workout for today and my pre-workout pics for week0 in order:

Movement      Weight(lbs)           TUL
LatPulldown            100               1:46
Chest Press            115               1:26
Shoulder Press        50                0:45
Leg Press               230               1:26
Rows                     100               1:10

Amazing workout. I'm already looking forward to next week!!

1 comment:

  1. They say the camera adds 10 lbs... I must have a lightweight camera...
