Monday, April 30, 2012

Comparison Track SS vs BBS (tfarny)

This is from fellow MDA reader Tfarny on his workout and the results of his Army Style PT test for comparison to BBS. This is not a full scientific study however, because of the varying factors here, namely age, exact nutrition, daily activities, etc. For a full study comparison we'd have to be locked up in a lab like rats... Anyone have any rats or rat weight lifting equipment??

"OK - I've been swamped with work, I even missed a workout, but I'm still up for it. Here's what I wrote: 

Here’s a description of what I’ll be doing for 12 weeks. SS has a few alternative versions so I want to be clear about what I’m doing. The difference between this and the Advanced Novice version is more OHP and more chins, with bench once a week instead of once every other workout. I need the extra volume on OHP and chins. 
Day 1: Squat, OHP, Power Cleans
Day 2: Bench, Deadlift, Chin-ups, short conditioning work. 
Day 3: Squat, OHP, Chinups
On days I have an overload of work, or travel, I will skip day 3 and have a two-day week. Increases are +5 lb on weights (OHP +2.5) any time I get desired sets / reps
Warmups: Depending on the day, either a couple minutes on the erg or just 50 jumping jacks. Always do several air squats and PVC pipe shoulder dislocations (dynamic stretch). Each lift starts out with a few warmup sets. 
Back squat –low bar full squat, 3 sets of 5. Current: 205 3x5
Deadlift –1 set of 5. Current: 300 1x5
OHP – stiff leg barbell press, three sets of 5. Current: 112.5 3x5
Bench – standard situation, bar touches chest each rep but does not bounce off. Spotter does not "help" - three sets of 5. Current: 185 3x5
Chinups – full extension at bottom, pause, chin fully over top bar. Two or three sets, occasionally weighted. Current: 12 consecutive, or 4 with +25 lb and belt. 
Power Cleans – Standard form. Current: 175x1
Other exercises, done occasionally after the main ones and always optionally: clean and jerk, push press, close grip bench press, glute ham raise. 
Once per week, I’ll do a short hard run or some hill sprints or a short indoor conditioning workout such as erg sprint rows or burpees. I also play singles racquetball every week or so for about 1.5 hours. 
Age: 40 yo, Height: 6’1” / 185 cm, weight: 205lb / 93k. Athletic history: Minimal. Job: Desk, civilian."

I did your pt test on a workout day because I just couldn't bring myself to miss a workout for situps. So after benching and deadlifting heavy (personal bests for me): Pushups 37, Situps 40, run, an embarrassing 19:24. Total army score = 176 (40 years old). When I re-test at the end I'll be sure and do the PT test after benching and dling too! 

It should also be noted that the Army Physical Fitness Test is by no means the end-all-be-all for measuring ones physical fitness. In fact, the army is currently in the process of heavily modifying their gauges for fitness to something more reasonable. 

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